Trannie Van-Life

I’m told my Grandpa was the first man in Scotland to own a VW Dormobile. My childhood was spent with the clan, piled into an assortment of vehicles. In convoy, we headed for the sun… namely Devon and Cornwall. No mean feat in those days, it took forever to get there but I loved every minute of it. I always travelled with my Granny and Grandpa in the VW’s, the 8-track blasting out Shirley Bassey (my Grandpa loved her).
Such fond memories and so my passion for Campervans was born. We toyed with the idea of buying a VW and for my husband’s 40th I hired beautiful Bluebell as a surprise, she was born the same year as him. We soon realised she was completely impractical with 3 dogs and even though it was September, we were utterly freezing.
So, after years of trawling the internet, we finally found The Big Trannie, our 2006 Ford Transit. It was love at first sight. She was rough as a badger’s rear end; however, I knew I could turn this big unloved lump of mental into a thing of beauty. I am the Queen of renovations and with the help of the genius that is Uncle Arthur, we set about the transformation.
She is now an absolute joy to behold, with all the mod cons including a multi fuel burning stove, which I can cook on.
She has opened up a wonderful new way of life for us. I adore being on the road discovering new and stunning places in my beloved Scotland. Always on the lookout for an incredible backdrop to film my classes, spending hours in Mother Nature, everyday a new place and adventure.
You can follow more of our adventures on Instagram or on my blog.

My wee hairy bairns
To say I am passionate about my dogs, is a grave understatement. Simply put, my dogs are my family, my soul tribe. They have taught me the true meaning of unconditional love and how to be fully present in the moment. They are my ultimate companions on a road trip, they love a wee Trannie adventure!

Bonnie Scotland
I was born with wanderlust in my veins, I galivanted far and wide always knowing one day I would return home. Scotland is a symphony in stone. There is nowhere on this beautiful planet that stirs and captivates my soul, more. It is so deeply part of me, I am of the earth, the mountains, the rivers and the expansive skies. I love this wee country, my bones are here.

Cooking in the camper
I adore cooking in the Trannie, there is absolutely nothing better than sourcing incredible fresh faire, and barefoot cooking with the door wide open to the elements, with a jaw dropping view to inspire me. I only have wee two ring hob, that said some of my best creations have been rustled up there, it always inspires me.