Can you hear the ancient whispers of your Celtic foremothers, Sister?
Are you feeling the pull to awaken your natural intuition & spiritual gifts?
Do you long to forge connections with the ancient ways & rituals of our Pagan heritage?
Now is your time to embark on the Journey of the Celtic Wise Woman!

Join the gathering as we tread softly following the footsteps and the Ways of the Celtic Wise Women. A mesmerising journey through the veils of enchantment, magick and folklore.
Immerse yourself in the profound teachings of authentic Celtic Wisdom, as we heed the guidance of our hearts, our lineage, and our ancestral roots.
Together, we will explore realms beyond the ordinary, traveling through time and space to cross the thresholds into liminal portals.
Guided by the eternal Celtic Medicine Wheel, our quest will follow the four cardinal directions, East, South, West and North. As we immerse ourselves into the exquisite medicine of each direction, we will reconnect with the spiral of the seasons, the elements and the deeper aspects of our core being.

Let us embark on a journey of transformation, aligning our souls with the pulsing rhythm and dance of Mother Earth.
This course is a unique exploration of the ways of the Wise Women of Alba, delving into our traditions, our rituals and our sacred ceremonies.
Together, we will commune with the spirits of the land, our ancient Pictish and Celtic Ancestors, Standing Stones, Sacred Sites, Sabbats, the cardinal directions, and the elemental beings.
In this bloody bonkers, fast-paced crazy world, all too often we lose ourselves, becoming entirely disconnected from the gentle rhythms of nature and the wisdom of our ancestors.
Embodied Celtic Wisdom: The Ways of The Wise Woman, invites us to return to these ancient sacred paths, offering profound benefits that enrich our lives and nurture our well-being.​​
Life is a continuum, an exquisite ever evolving cycle of growth, transformation and renewal.
In the ancient Celtic tradition we honour the natural rhythms of life, death and rebirth, of Maiden, Mother Crone. As we begin to align with these endless cycles we cultivate a deeper understanding of our own experiences, learning to embrace the changes and find peace in the face of uncertainty and adversity.
Remembering the Sacred Cycles and coming back to who you truly are, at your core being:
This cyclical perspective offers us the most beautiful invitation to witness that every ending is merely a new beginning. When we truly understand this, we become more adaptable, accepting and robust, empowering us to navigate life’s many challenges with grace, ease confidence and resilience.
Reclaim your sovereign birthright, sense of belonging and elevate your vibrant luminous spirit. Now is the time to remember the truest essence of your lineage and your soul’s highest purpose!​​

Together we shall mark the Sabbats in radiant ritual and sacred ceremonies, following in the footsteps of our forebears, who circled before us and have opened the ways.
In this space we promise:

Authenticity, Alignment, Integrity

Co~Create a safe space of love and liberation

Establish and uphold healthy boundaries

Adhere to a code of conduct

Rooted Spiritual Practices

Sisterhood, support, love, mischief and loads of laughter

Honour, rejoice and celebrate the feck out of our sisters
You will:

Harness the power of Cyclical Living

Learn to work fearlessly with the sacred Shamanic Drum

Meet with Your Power Animals and Spirit Guides

Learn magickal methods of Shamanic Journey

Commune with Celtic Sacred Sites and Stone Circles

Garner a deep connection with the spirits of the land

Learn to live in flow with the cardinal directions

Clear Ancestral wounds and thought forms

Experience profound Rites of passage, Ritual and Sacred Ceremonies
This and sooooo much more.... Im keeping the best stuff up my wizards sleeve!
Welcome beautiful sister, I'm Rhonda
A devoted advanced Shamanic Practitioner, trained by the esteemed Sandra Ingerman and Fotoula Adremi, my teachings honour their methodologies and the timeless practice of core shamanism.
As a CPD-qualified Therapeutic Coach, specialising in trauma-responsive, trauma-informed practices, I will guide you with love, compassion and understanding. I am certified Sundoor Empowerment Firewalking Instructor, Priestess of the Moon and transformational creatrix, melding a wealth of life experience to my
In addition I am a Past Life Regression Therapist specialising in Ancestral healing, Master Ceremonialist, Celebrant and Master Cacaoista offering advanced Cacao Ceremony trainings that deepen the connection to this exquisite ancient plant medicine.
With 40 years of experience working with women, I am here to midwife them to become the most empowered and fearlessly authentic versions of themselves.
Holding this space for my sisters, to fully embody their soul's truest purpose is not merely my vocation, it's my divine mission and the core essence of my being.

Additionally, I am a Sweat Lodge Facilitator, Past Life Regression Therapist, Reiki Master and work with sound as a healing modality. I also serve as a Retreat Leader.
My approach is extremely grounded, gritty and very real ( the antithesis of woo, spiritual bypassing or magickal thinking)!
With over 20 years as a skilled Fitness Instructor, I weave together physical wellbeing and spiritual growth, empowering women to release old fears, deep seated traumas and ancestral wounds that have long hindered their true potential.
Together, we will embark on a journey toward your truest purpose and essential being, rooted in the magickal myths, legends and archetypes of the ancient Celtic lands. Are you ready to transform your life? Let’s embark upon this transformative journey together!
Are you ready to transform your life?
Let’s embark upon this transformative journey together!

This course is designed for those seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves, The Ways of the Wisdom keepers of the lands and the Celtic Medicine Wheel.
Whether you are a complete beginner or are experienced, you will find a supportive and nurturing environment to explore and expand your spiritual path and practice.
Embrace the wisdom of your ancient ancestors as we navigate the wonder filled, magickal tapestry of Celtic life together!
Join us in person or on Zoom
All classes will be recorded, so you can catch up if you are unable to attend a session

Starting Saturday 8th of November then the last Saturday of every month:
West Direction: 8/11/24, 30/11/24,
North Direction: 28/12/24, 25/1/25, 22/2/25,
East Direction: 29/3/25, 26/4/25, 31/5/25,
South Direction: 28/6/25, 26/7/25, 30/8/25,
West Direction Closing Ceremony: 27/9/25
Please note, options available to join for one Direction of the Wheel
Pitairlie Smiddy, Pitairlie Road, Newbigging, Angus, DD53RH
Lunch Provided:
Vegan, vegetarian, GF, seasonal and delicious, all teas & coffees inc.
The Investment: £1666
Non refundable deposit of £100 payable when booking with a payment plan
If you are unsure or have any questions then I invite you to book in for a short free discovery call with me